

The Latest Chain Foundation is committed to supporting the Latest Chain ecosystem and the associated technologies. It is important to note that the Latest Chain Foundation does not exercise control over or have ownership of the Latest Chain network. Instead, the network is controlled and secured by the validators. The Latest Chain Foundation is just one of the many individuals and companies that contribute to the support and development of the Latest Chain Network

The Latest Chain Foundation shares a common vision with the Latest Chain Network. It is dedicated to continuously improving the ecosystem and supporting the development of new technologies that contribute to the long-term success of the Latest Chain.

The People

The Latest Chain Foundation comprises individuals who are involved in blockchain development, entrepreneurship, and other contributions to the Latest Chain ecosystem. These individuals share a common vision with the Latest Chain Network and actively engage in diverse technology developments.

The members of the Latest Chain Foundation come from different locations worldwide and dedicate their time and efforts to support the Latest Chain ecosystem.

Core Values

The Latest Chain Foundation upholds the following core values:

  • Creating value for the wider blockchain industry, which in turn brings countless opportunities for people globally.

  • Developing technologies that support the Latest Chain Network and ultimately benefit the platform's end users.

  • Ensuring the safety and security of the platform for Dapp users. The Latest Chain Network uses a DPoS consensus mechanism to provide a robust and speedy network, allowing developers to run their own decentralised applications (Dapps) efficiently and ensuring a seamless user experience.

Last updated